Reinventing the wheel

Have you ever had an idea that died in it’s very early stages, simply because someone told you off, not to try “reinventing the wheel”? Well this might reinspire you to pick up those old or some new ideas =).
Seeing this innovative initiative actually reinventing the wheel, I just got a tingly feeling of what will be possible in all sorts of other areas, if we allow ourselves to look beyond the obvious =).

Old news – What’s important for education?

I created this interview series roughly two years ago. I asked each person the same question: “What do you think is imprtant for education?” I didn’t ask for the right answers, some fancy acdemic wrote in a book, I didn’t give them prepared answers to say to the camera, not one interview was repeated. I wanted people to speak in the moment from their heart and experience. And they did.

Talking Pets or What I stumbled upon today :-)

I will let the music and band speak for itself. Just happy to share this new discovery.

“Talking Pets is not a band! It’s just one guitar, one drum kit, one bass guitar, one synthesizer, no tricks! There are four members, two different hair cuts, three mustaches, three driver’s licenses and definitely no fear of pop music. Their interests besides music: swedish food and furniture, girls who can sing and… girls who can’t.

All band members are located in munich, yet they are not rich. Maybe they will be someday, but not now. During the winter some of them tend to wear warm shoes, others don’t. There are plans that the band is going to play a show in your hometown soon. But plans may change.”

Talking Pets

Our Greatest Fear


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Marianne Williamson

Never try to escape from fear

“Whenever there is any fear, never try to escape from it. In fact, take hints from fear. Those are the directions in which you need to travel. Fear is simply a challenge. It calls you: “Come!”


Osho verwendete im Laufe seines Lebens verschiedene Namen. Die Annahme derartiger Namen entspricht indischen Gepflogenheiten und ergibt sich im dortigen Kulturbereich als Konsequenz aus der Aufnahme einer spirituellen Lehrtätigkeit.
Osho wurde er im letzten Jahr seines Lebens genannt, von Anfang 1989 bis zu seinem Tod am 19. Januar 1990. Oshō ist ein Titel im ZenBuddhismus, der eigentlich „Mönch“ oder „Lehrer“ bedeutet und auch der Würdename von Bodhidharma war.Der Name wurde Osho von Schülern vorgeschlagen, weil er in verschiedenen Zen-Geschichten aufgetaucht war, die Osho kommentiert hatte. Osho selbst erklärte einmal, der Name beziehe sich auf William James‘ Verwendung des Wortes „oceanic“. In der Literatur der Osho-Bewegung wird noch eine weitere Deutung vertreten: Die Silbe „O“ stehe für Liebe, Dankbarkeit und Synchronizität und „sho“ für ein sich in alle Richtungen ausbreitendes Bewusstsein. Alle Neuausgaben seiner Bücher und anderen Werke werden heute unter dem Namen Osho veröffentlicht.


Dear Human: You’ve got it all wrong. You didn’t come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and where you’ll return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of… messing up. Often. You didn’t come here to be perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. But unconditional love? Stop telling that story. Love, in truth, doesn’t need ANY other adjectives. It doesn’t require modifiers. It doesn’t require the condition of perfection. It only asks that you show up. And do your best. That you stay present and feel fully. That you shine and fly and laugh and cry and hurt and heal and fall and get back up and play and work and live and die as YOU. It’s enough. It’s Plenty.

Courtney A. Walsh